San Augustine of Hippo Parish – Bacong
During these pressing times because of the coronavirus pandemic, it is hard for us to meet up with each other, but thankfully, we can continue to connect via live streaming. This physical distance does not mean that I am far from you, and that I do not feel your situations, especially those of the poor.
In the past three days this Holy Week, as we held the Eucharistic procession, I have been greatly moved by people who were kneeling down, bowing their heads, and waving their hands as our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament passed by them. I could see in your eyes your genuine longing for the Holy Mass.
Dear brethren, as we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ today, this gives us the hope that all the sufferings we have been experiencing lately will come to an end, and that will have its own resurrection.
Just like our Lord Jesus Christ who, after seeing the poverty of our faith, offered His death for us. Because of this offering, our faith in the Father has been strengthened. Our life is not only for ourselves but also for others, seeing their situation, and giving them the hope of the risen Christ.
May the risen Lord who cares for us, and gives us hope move us also to care for and give hope to our brothers and sisters, especially the poor, during this time of a global health crisis.